My Apartment

My Apartment Address: 66 Golomb St., Givatayim, Israel

The value of the apartment is . 930 thousand dollars. to 1 million dollars, the value of the apartment.

Broker, Real Estate, for an .apartment, for sale

Israel Baruch, 972-54-225-2900

Can also arrange for you a lawyer. to sell the apartment to Broker, you pay 1%, for the buyer and sale of the. Apartment, it is easy to sell, the apartment, the apartment, in a good place, at a good price, to the lawyer for the contract for the sale of the apartment, you pay more, 0.005%, the value of the deal, the sale, of the apartment. you can see the value of the apartment on the Internet page,

1. According to subjects, the data are, Golomb, 66, the address of the apartment. The size of the apartment is 87 meters

2.translate, do it, Google translate you can translate, the Hebrew, into English. is the link to the value page on the website, Internet in Israel, at the moment the value appears, it is NIS 3.5 million, according to the local claimant, in Israel.

2.2. The exchange rate of the shekel to the dollar today is 3.837, meaning. It is 3.5 million shekels to divide the apartment this morning, worth 916,000. Dollar, according to the calculation, of the exchange rate, the shekel, dollar, today.

2.3.the number of the gift value, according to the exchange rate, dollar, shekel, and the seller who can sell the apartment, it changes, it is fixed, the price, of, dollar, shekel, changes, fixed, every day there is trading, in lawsuits, shekel, dollar.

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